Sunday, April 21, 2013

Math Minds

Math Workshop
We are seeing the wonderful spiraling effect of our math program.  I am so impressed with the math minds in this classroom! The children continue to grow in their understanding of mathematics everyday!

 We will be revisiting numeracy, measuring, patterning, telling time, and addition and subtraction over the next couple of months.

 We especially continue to focus on “mental math.” When they are adding two sets of objects together, we are encouraging them to “count on.”  They grab the bigger number (or put that number in their head), then begin at that number to count on to the total.  (Ex.  If they have 5 red chips and 3 yellow chips, they would grab the 5 and count on the next 3.  They would say, “56 7 8” to arrive at the total.) Counting on is a skill that allows kids to be much more efficient with their counting, and as a result, often more accurate than if they drop back to 1 and count every object

They have also done an incredible job of completing their homework this year.  It has helped reinforce a lot of math skills.  Thanks so much for your support!


Reading & Writing Workshop
We continued to focus on non-fiction reading and writing this week.  As we wrote our “How To” pieces, we listening to the beginning, middle and ending sounds when we wrote words.  This helps us become better spellers and readers!    We worked on correct pencil grips again this week, too. 

 Our reading keeps getting stronger every day!  This week in reading workshop, we practiced the reading comprehension strategy of “Questioning” - helping students clarify and deepen understanding of the text they are reading.  We learned that

·        Before we read, we often use questions to activate prior knowledge (what we already know) and make predictions. 

·        During reading, we form questions to clarify meaning.

·        After we read, we use questioning to locate information, understand and remember events, and characters. 

 So we practiced asking a lot of “I wonder questions before and after we read.  This is a great thinking skill you can practice at home too!
We have concluded our fish, guppies and snails portion of our science unit, Animals 2x2.  Our next set of visitors arrived on Wednesday.  We now have red worms and earth worms. The children loved setting up their habitats this week.  We are looking forward to learning about worms next week!
Odds and Ends!
We do not have a kindergarten report card for this marking period.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please let me know.

Please join us for a “Mother’s Day Tea” in honor of all our amazing kindergarten Moms!  We will be performing and presenting you with tokens of our love!   It would be wonderful if all moms could attend.  Although I understand schedules don’t always permit.  If you are unable to come, please try and send another adult (grandma, aunt, godmother, etc.).  I usually get 100% participation.  If you are unable to come or send someone, please let me know, I will make accommodations for another adult in the building to sit with your child. 

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