Saturday, April 13, 2013

Happy April!

Happy April!  It’s so hard to believe that April is here.  Our kindergarten year is flying by!   In the spirit of spring, the kindergartners are going buggy!  We have been making ants, bees and ladybugs. They will be on display in the centrum.

Non-Fiction Reading and Writing Workshop

Non-fiction reading and writing fills our lives. Everywhere we look there are newspapers, magazines, directions, street signs, recipes, letters, maps, menus, e-mails, Internet sites, and so on.  As writers, we make lists, craft letters, send e-mails, provide explanations, and jot notes. As non-fiction readers and writers, our youngest learners are become thoroughly engaged in identifying and using nonfiction text features such as labels, bullets, arrows, graphs, and bold words.  They are aware of the table of contents and glossary.  We have immersed ourselves in non-fiction literature!

 Our kindergarten writers continue to write “How To” books during writing workshop.   I have been amazed at their topicsHow to build a snowman, how to brush my teeth, how to play Candy Land, how to be a good friend, how to play soccer, etc. 

 We are on our way to becoming non-fiction experts! During our Visible thinking routine we made a CLAIM: Non-fiction books are different that fiction books. The kids had to show me their EVIDENCE to convince me.  Once again, I was amazed by their thinking!


 All of this learning is laying the foundation for children to be successful in school, in the workplace, and in their personal lives. 

We are continuing to learn about 3D shapes.  Ask your child about sorting and eating their 3D shape snack on Thursday!  We have also been learning about odd and even numbers.  We know that even numbers have partners. 

 May 10, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.
Please join us for a “Mother’s Day Tea” in honor of all our amazing kindergarten Moms!  We will be performing and presenting you with tokens of our love!   It would be wonderful if all moms could attend.  Although I understand schedules don’t always permit.  If you are unable to come, please try and send another adult (grandma, aunt, godmother, etc.).  I usually get 100% participation.  If you are unable to come or send someone, please let me know.  I will make accommodations for another adult in the building to sit with your child. 


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