Friday, September 27, 2013

Talking Community

Writing Workshop

We have finished our first unit of study in writing. The unit is titled “Oral Language: Building a Talking Community.”  We begin the school year with oral language, or talking, because it is something that all children can do when they come to school.  By inviting children to tell stories about themselves and things they know and can do, we honor them for who they are.   It also helped us get to know each other!

In this unit, your child learned to:

·        Talk about things he/she knows and can do (everyday, ordinary events)

·        Use a voice loud enough for the listener to hear, and look at his/her audience when speaking

·        Listen when others tell stories

·        Think, picture, and say his/her story to him/herself and a partner


To support your child’s oral storytelling you can:


·        Tell stories  about things you know and can do (everyday, ordinary events to which your child can relate)

·        Ask your child to tell you the story he/she told at school

·        Help your child remember stories

·        Practice telling stories at home, and encourage him/her to tell these stories at school too


As your child is telling stories, say things like:


·        What is your story about?

·        Can you picture your story?

·        How will your story go?

·        What happens next?

·        Repeat your child’s story and ask if you got it right

·        Have your child repeat his/her story several times

·        Have your child tell his/her across his/her hand (On Saturday I went to the store- one finger, my mom and I got milk-next finger, etc.)


Have fun telling and listening to stories about things you and your child knows and can do!


Math Workshop

The Kinder-Kids worked very hard this week reviewing and learning about numbers.  I am so proud of them!  Their favorite activity was writing numbers on their dry erase boards to Dr. Jean’s Numeral Song.  This activity focused on number recognition and formation.   Ask your kindergartner to perform the Numeral Song for you! 
Thank You!
What a wonderful day at Blakes!  We had perfect weather!  Thank you to all of our chaperones. We had a fantastic time with you there to help us! 



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